Such rags, poverty and sores I am sure can be found nowhere else,
not even in China. Syphilis is everywhere and the cases are so advanced
that often the fingers, toes, hand or foot will be gone. We have two
cases of leprosy and one woman with abdominal glands so infected that
they have ruptured the skin in five places and she is as if she had
five long incisions. I think we have five children in the hospital now
under ten years each with one eye out and the ophthalmia amongst the
children is terrible.
I am discouraged about the school
the small pox has almost
disrupted the hospital
from 60 to 70 patients are admitted each
day and so many nurses are needed that the other branches of nursing
are neglected
we do no operating except emergency cases because
the patient may break with small-pox the next day
In one ward two
days ago where our sickest cases are we had 14 deaths in 24 hours. I
think we have about 600 small-pox patients and with 14 nurses leaving
it a question how to give them the care they need
On Friday the 14th [January 1921] we had our graduation,
...we gave three of the nurses Hypos in appreciation of the work they
did in the small-pox compound. They were the ones who offered to nurse
the patients before their own vaccinations had taken and they did such
good work until they were taken ill that we were glad to surprise them
with a little address of thanks and the little gift. V.B.