Vashti Bartlett Chronology

Nov. 15, 1873 Vashti Bartlett, the oldest child of George Washington Burnap Bartlett and Amanda Sally Griffith Bartlett, is born.

Sept. 1887-June 1892 Vashti Bartlett attends the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore as a member of the class of 1893, but withdraws before graduation.

1892-1894 Vashti continues her education while traveling with her family in Europe.

Aug. 1903-Sept. 1906 Vashti attends and graduates from the Johns Hopkins Hospital Training School for Nurses.

May 13- Nov. 9, 1908 Vashti serves as chief nurse at St. Anthony Hospital as part of the Grenfell Mission in Labrador and Newfoundland.

March 4, 1909 Vashti volunteers with the Red Cross to serve at the inauguration of President Taft.

April 15, 1909- March 31, 1910 Vashti serves as Assistant Superintendent of Nurses at Garfield Hospital in Washington DC.

June-Sept. 1911 Vashti serves as a district nurse with the Holman Association at Altapass, North Carolina.

March 30- April 13, 1913 Vashti serves with the Red Cross providing disaster relief to flood victims in Dayton, Ohio.

1914 Vashti serves as Superintendent of Nurses at Watts Hospital in Durham, North Carolina.

March 22, 1915- Jan. 30, 1916 Vashti serves with the American Red Cross in Pau, France and La Panne, Belgium during World War I, as part of Units A and B from the Mercy Ship operation.

March 1917- Aug. 13, 1918 Vashti serves as Clara Noyes' assistant in the Department of Nursing, Bureau of Field Nursing Service at Red Cross Headquarters in Washington DC.

Aug. 1918- April 1919 Vashti serves with the Army Nursing Corp as Chief Nurse of Base Hospital Unit 71 in France.

June 30, 1919- Feb. 18, 1920 Vashti serves with the American Red Cross, Siberian Commission. After a tour of Japan, she arrives in Vladivostock on Aug. 21. Shortly upon arrival, she is called to Harbin, Manchuria to serve as Chief Nurse during a cholera epidemic. She arrives back from Harbin to Vladivostock Nov. 12, 1919, and starts work at an American Red Cross Hospital in time for the Nov 17-18, Gaida Revolution of Czech soldiers and Russian workers in Vladivostock against the White Russian Kolchak government. Vashti cares for wounded during this time of disorder. Numerous groups tried to establish order and control over the region and the Trans-Siberian Railroad including Czech soldiers, Japanese, Americans, and various Russian factions such as the Bolsheviks and the White Russian Kolchak government. The chaos resulted in numerous refugees and orphans.

Dec. 10, 1919- Feb. 2, 1920 She is instructor of courses in Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick to lay women in Vladivostock, Siberia.

July 15, 1920- Oct 14, 1921 Vashti serves with the American Red Cross as the Superintendent of Nurses at the General Hospital in Port au Prince, Haiti during a smallpox epidemic.

Aug. 27, 1928- June 30, 1929 Vashti serves with the Office of Indian Affairs as the Chief Nurse at the Chilocco Indian School in Oklahoma.

1929-1969 Upon retiring from active nursing, Vashti spends much of her time with her family at their homes in Gaithersburg, Maryland, and Pass-a-Grille, Florida.

July 7, 1969 Vashti Bartlett dies in Montgomery County, Maryland.


Chronology by Phoebe Evans Letocha, Processing Coordinator


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