Vashti Barltett

.................Oval portrait of V.B.......V A S H T I ...B A R T L E T T ...1 8 7 3 - 1 9 6 9
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The Hopkins Years

Bartlett's Nursing Education at
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Training School of Nurses


ashti Bartlett, class of 1906, embarked on a nursing career that took her to distant corners of the world in periods of strife and crisis during the first quarter of the twentieth century. She was the hallmark of a Hopkins nurse: well-educated in the latest scientific advances, rigorously trained in nursing methodologies, and primed to assume a leadership role in the profession. Bartlett was bright, energetic, and full of enthusiasm. Firm of character and physically strong, she had the moral fiber to confront and deal with hardship and the stamina to carry out arduous assignments. As a young woman, the opportunity to study abroad had expanded her intellectual horizons and stimulated a lifelong interest in travel. Her language skills, particularly those in French, were a major asset. An abiding commitment to help the ill, injured, and dispossessed inspired her long and distinguished career.

Color postcard of Johns Hopkins Hospital

The Johns Hopkins Hospital,
circa 1906.

Nurses, Johns Hopkins


Bartlett (center) with colleagues in the surgical amphitheater at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.


Nurses conferring on patient ward
One of the wards of the Johns Hopkins Hospita

JHH, Nurses, 1906
Fellow graduates of the Johns Hopkins
Hospital Training School of Nurses
Class of 1906

Class Lecture notes

Among many documents in the Vashti Bartlett Collection are class lecture notes. Here are notes (above and below) from Dr. Florence Sabin's lectures to nursing students in 1903.

Dinner Program
Vashti Bartlett's dinner program for
The Quarter Centennial of the
Johns Hopkins Hospital and ...
...Training School for Nurses...

At the dinner numerous toasts were offered. Miss Mary Adelaide Nutting toasted the "Twenty-five Years of the Training School." She was followed by Miss Clara Noyes who delivered a tribute entitled,"A Quarter Century of Progress."

Sabin lecture

"An interesting experiment"
dealing with blood flow is included in Bartlett's class lecture notes of Dr. Florence Sabin's lectures. According to Bartlett's notes, the experiment "proves the arm and legs grow larger during sleep."

Proceed to Newfoundland



V A S H T I . ..B A R T L E T T .. E X H I B I T