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Vashti Bartlett Photograph and Memorabilia Collection
France and Belgium
Photographs and Other Documents
from France and Belgium
World War I
Red Cross units receive wounded at Pau, France.
Red Cross Ambulance.
Vashti is on the right.
Among Vashti Bartlett's papers is a 90-page
songbook issued by U.S.War Department Commission on Training
Camp Activities, 1918.
Song entries include national anthems of the United States,
and our allies -- "God Save the King" (Great
Britain), "La Marseillaise" (France), "The
Garibaldi Hymn" (Italy), and "La Brabanconne"
(Belgium). In addition to popular songs from home, are songs
that became standards associated with the war, such as "Over
There", "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp", and
"Auld Lang Syne".
Captured German soldiers PG: prisoner de guerre [prisoner of war].
Departure of French soldiers.
A bomb bursting over Belgian trenches at the front.V.B.
Belgians entrenched near LaPanne.
Nurses on the balcony of the beach hotel
converted into a hospital at LaPanne, Belgium.