Database Example

Enhancing Access to and Use of Richter's Data

Proposed Database

by Frank R. Hubbard, Ph.D.

Example of How the PBL Database Might be Used

One example of how the database could be used consists of the following steps:

1. Click on an experiment type in the scrolling list ("combo-box") made from tblExperimentCats.

2. This will call up another scrolling list of animals involved in that particular type of experiment.

3. Next, click on a particular animal that was involved in the experiments of interest. This will produce a page ("form") for that particular animal.

4. From this animal screen, clicking on the month or the start date will bring up either the ASCII file from that month in the log book, an image of the logbook page itself, an image of the activity chart or an image of the Esterline-Angus chart.

**Data from Rat #376CL female BH (used in the example above) is available. See:

Proposed Database

Data Samples

Enhancing Access to and Use of Richter's Data

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