Vashti Bartlett's
Asian Album

Travels In Japan

Japan | Russia | China


Traveling in Japan with the
American Red Cross

Before entry into Russia, Vashti Bartlett and her nursing colleagues traveled for several weeks in Japan. While there, they met with Japanese colleagues and traveled about the country.

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The italicized textual notes below are from captions appearing in Vashti Bartlett's photo album, unless otherwise noted.

American Red Cross nurses and doctors meeting with their Japanese counterparts.

American Red Cross at Nikko, July 1919
Vashti is in the front row, third from the right.


The nurses, preparing to launch.
"Ready to shoot the rapids near Kyoto". V.B.


A broadside from Vashti's scrapbook.
Entertainment offered on the SS Shinyo Maru.

Vashti notes that the ship's "amusements kept us busy." When they arrived in Yokohama, "soon the nurses were floating around in new komonas [sic]."

Japanese scenes

Picking Tea.


Cleaning Tea.

Kyoto, July 25, 1919.


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additional Vashti Bartlett
Photos of China

The Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives